How to Register for Archer’s Diary
1) Access Event Registration via choosing Canberra Archery Club
Note: each event will show who is currently registered, and whether it is the first (morning) or second (afternoon) flight. In the above example, there are:-
2 people registered for the morning, and both have chosen the “Brisbane” round
1 person for the afternoon round, shooting a ‘70/720’
2) Click on the Event, eg CAC Club Shoot 09/10/22
3) Enter your name and it should come up with a “Member found” message:
4) The click which (1 or both) flight you want from the drop-down list:
More details on each round can be found here:-
5) Then check your division (eg Under 16, Open etc) and your bow-category (eg Recurve, Barebow-Recurve) is correct – these usually default to your last selection. Once chosen it may look like this, eg an OzBow 10 (10 m) as a Recurve:
Note that practice ends (usually 2 for club shoots) start at 9am, (10am Winter) and actual scoring ends will be about 9:20. It’s good to arrive at least 30 mins before practice starts to get a target & your equipment set-up.
6) Press Add Archer to complete the registration