After we had the fire we posted about on Facebook recently, we had an electrician fix the faulty junction box and then realised we needed permanent access to the power distribution box and we decided to leave a gap between the Target Butts to access it.
See photos below
I’m willing to bet that there is even legislation in place that says access to the power box must be in place.
I struggled on the day of the fire, to get these things out of the way so I could gain access to turn off the power, fortunately I’d rung our president first who called the fire brigade, who showed up and took over moving the butts to allow access to it.
We need to make another gap between the butts until we can find the time to organise to paint the floor with a chevron and maybe create a speed bump with timber glued and screwed in place that will still allow butts to go over them but give a stopping point for when putting them away to indicate to leave the space.
Sometimes things are exactly how they are supposed to be and don’t need fixing. If you have doubts then ask a Committee Member or send an email to to ask the question.
We have some temp posters that will get put up to reinforce the need for the gap that gives us access to the electrical panel.
I will add this info in the January Newsletter as well.
Thanks Everyone